Monday, July 26, 2010

A Four Day Hiking Trip in the Mountains of Haiti

The first day of the hike! We started in Furcy which is at about 3000 ft above sea level and we hiked up to Seguin which is at 6000 ft above sea level. The picture above shows the beginning of our trail. It took us about 6 hours to hike up to Seguin. We were all huffing and puffing while climbing the hills while Haitian women were carrying baskets of vegetables on their hands and climbing barefoot. But to give us some credit, we did have to hike with all the stuff we needed for the 4 day trip. The hike was absolutely beautiful though and it was really nice to see the rural communities of Haiti.

Some of the rural houses we saw on our hike!

At the cottage we stayed in for two nights. It was a very lovely little cottage surrounded by apricot trees and fields of all different kinds of plants. There were horses, dogs, chickens, and more around. In Seguin it was pretty cold because it is so high up so the best part was that we were served steaming hot mint tea several times during the was so relaxing sitting in the cottage, listening to the rain, and sipping the tea!

The cascades in Seguin. We stayed near this beautiful national park in Seguin. Winnie, the owner of the cottage we stayed at, is responsible for preserving a lot of the biodiversity in Seguin. In Seguin, it felt as if we were on a tropical island.

Genevieve with Simba! The two dogs at the cottage we stayed at were sooo friendly! They were enormous but acted like little babies. I think they were the first dogs I truly wasn't scared of :)

The 5 hour hike down the mountain from Seguin (6000 feet) to Jacmel (sea level). The views were beautiful but the hike was really tough because it was all downhill on uneven rocks that were slippery from recent rains. I was way more sore after the downhill hike compared to the uphill hike!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Camp

This week was really fun...we taught at a summer camp in Petit Village. The camp lasts 8 weeks I think and this week we were the leaders of the camp. There were about 75 kids total at the camp ranging from age 5 to 20.

So each day at camp began with singing. I've learned some really catchy Haitian songs and now as we walk we sing these songs :) Then the kids usually were put into three groups and Julie, Julia, and I would each lead a different group. Julia taught the kids English and played games like Simon says with them. Julie taught ballet and played different dancing games with the kids. I kind of did a mixture of different things throughout the wasn't exactly organized, but it sure was exciting!

On the first two days, I taught the kids a little bit of Indian dance. I thought they would like learning a little bit of Raas so some of us at clinic found about 40 sticks total that resembled dandiya. We gathered fallen tree branches, plant stems, and any random sticks we would find while walking. After taking off the thorns I'd say we had pretty sturdy dandiya...they weren't colorful or anything but they served their purpose. It was fun teaching the kids Raas and they got the basic steps of it. The main problem though was moving to the next partner...that didn't work so well and we didn't have any music to keep the beat. But it was still really cute to watch them :)

Teaching the kids Raas!

The third day I had a plan to play different games with the kids such as "red light, green light" but my group ended up having all boys ages 15-20. I don't really think they would have enjoyed "red light, green light" so we ended up deciding to play soccer. However, there were two problems. First of all, there was a ball but no field or goals. The boys fixed that easily...we used a large half dirt/half grass open area for the field and used two concrete blocks as the two goals. I actually think the blocks were from a house nearby that had fallen during the earthquake. To score a goal the ball had to hit the block. Thats how most people in Haiti play have to hit a block instead of making the ball go between two makes it much harder when you have to hit the block! So the second problem was that all of the boys were dressed in pretty nice pants and collared shirts. I was wondering how they were going to play in those clothes. But as soon as we got onto the field all of them took off their pants and shirts and guess what? Underneath they were all wearing soccer clothes! I think they are always prepared to play soccer :) Unlike the boys, I wasn't really prepared to play with my skirt and shirt, but at least I had shoes on! As we started playing soccer though, we ran into another problem...I couldnt tell my teammates apart from the other team! I passed it to the other team twice thinking they were on my team. They fixed that problem too by making it shirts versus shirtless. It was really fun playing soccer...I havent played in so long! The boys were all really, Haiti is gonna make it to the World Cup soon!

Me with two of the kids from the camp :)

Day 4 I taught a little English because Julia wasn't feeling well, but soon I was getting bored and I could tell the kids would much rather be running around. So we played "red light, green light". This time I had 6-8 year olds in my group so they loved "red light, green light". In Creole its called "limaye wouj, limaye ve". Eunide, our translator, was the policeman, I was the traffic light, and all the kids were the drivers. They were all quite reckless drivers...each round almost all of them were caught by Eunide for moving on a red light!

The last day the kids did a little talent show and there were games like musical chairs and tug-o-war. They played latin music and first the older kids danced salsa and kompa and then all the 5 and 6 year olds were paired up to dance kompa! I am going to miss the kids...I had a lot of fun with them. What I really admired about this summer camp was how little supplies there were...2 chalkboards, a covered area, and a couple of balls...and yet how much the camp leaders and eventually we could come up with to do!

All the kids at the camp on our last day. Standing up in the back row we are with some of the teachers from the camp and Robinson, one of our translators.

Friday, July 9, 2010

GPS Mapping Project

Julia and Shilpa eating (or more like attempting to eat) sugarcane. Photo courtesy of Julia.

Julia and Delshana making no-bake cookies! Picture courtesy of Genevieve.

Knips! They are delicious...they grow in bunches on trees. They taste a little like grapes but are sweeter. They are orange on the inside and have a giant seed.

Our Maternal Mortality Project is still going well! We are almost at our goal of 50 verbal autopsies…we have done 47 so far! So let me introduce the second project we are working on this summer - follow-up of the GPS Mapping Project that students last year did. The students last year went to the different health clinics, schools, churches, and community wells in Leogane to collect data about these places and create a GPS map of the area. After the earthquake, much of this information has changed. We are following up on the research by re-visiting the health clinics to see how they have changed after the earthquake. Some of the changes we have seen so far are that clinics that were destroyed in the earthquake are now functioning under tents, some doctors are now seeing patients from their private homes, nurses and doctors are volunteering their time to provide free care, and private Haitian doctors are seeing less and less patients because people are going to Doctors without Borders where they will get free care. We are also planning on mapping out the different NGOs, finding out what services they offer, and how long they are planning to stay. All this information will hopefully provide a better idea of the medical infrastructure of Leogane, help Family Health Ministries in designing their new hospital for children and women, and will assess the effects of the earthquake on the health resources of Leogane.

So on one of these GPS mapping excursion days, we were exhausted after having visited several clinics. We decided to end our day by quickly visiting the Sri Lanka UN military camp that is literally ½ mile from our clinic. We were in for quite a surprise! Well first was a failure. I attempted to speak in Hindi with the people at the camp and they didn’t really understand me…so we ended up having a conversation in a mix of Hindi, Tamil, Creole, and English. Soon we realized that sticking to English would be best. The Sri Lankan soldiers gave us a tour of their medical facilities which treat the general population of Leogane during any emergencies that arrive. And then they insisted on us joining them for tea. We agreed, but much to our surprise, they served us an entire Sri Lankan lunch! We had rice and 5 different Sri Lankan dishes. The dishes were very similar to Indian food…using many of the same spices…it made me remember home and it was wonderful to eat something close to Indian food! Then for dessert we had papaya and vanilla ice cream…one of the things I miss the most here is ice cream so it was a real treat!